Storyshares Product Tiers

Library of 500+ digital titles
Teacher guides, lesson plans, & student activities
Decodables collections & alignments
Professional coaching for reading intervention
Summer literacy program
Multilingual learner collections & curriculum
Custom-created content and resources

Storyshares Product Tiers Benefits

Core Benefits
Discover hundreds of titles at every intersection of interest and ability with full access to our eLibrary of digital high-low and decodable books.
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500+ high/low titles
3 distinct decodable series
Filter by interest & ability
“Jacob and the Bee Man was the only text that has gotten more than a couple thumbs up from these hard-to-reach kiddos. They LOVED it.”
Plus Benefits
Support students with full access to the Storyshares eLibrary, paperback book bundles, and alignment charts for your curriculum. Empower and inspire readers as they work to strengthen literacy skills with ready-to-use teacher guides, lesson plans, and student activities.
Content & Resource Preview
Paperback collections
Teacher Guides
Student activities
“Many decodables are written toward younger audiences and often have contrived or unrealistic storylines. These are authentic and engaging. Phonics guides, chapters, illustrations are all great support for students and make these feel like "real" books.”
Premium Benefits
Strengthen learning & engagement across your school or district with all of the “Storyshares Plus” benefits, as well as professional coaching for reading intervention, a complete summer literacy program curriculum and consulting, and the culturally responsive Storyshares Multilingual Learner Curriculum.
Content & Resource Preview
Professional Learning Sessions
Summer Literacy Intervention Program
Multilingual Learner Curriculum
“Thank you so much for the [Professional Learning] session and the attention to individual teacher needs. I look forward to reconnecting on additional resources that can be leveraged to meet my specific high school scholars’ needs.”
Custom Benefits
Work with our team of literacy experts to build a program that best suits your students’ needs. Custom program options include premium access to the Storyshares digital library, custom decodable and/or high-low book bundles, custom coaching and professional development, and custom-created content and resources
Content & Resource Preview
Custom coaching
Lesson plans and resources that fit your needs
Custom bundles by category/reading level
“We followed a practical and systematic approach to the curriculum and were able to answer questions and figure things out together.”